Hey there. It's been quite some time
Anyways, here we have the first SR2 Exclusive Aircraft from Nerfaddict meaning this aircraft was built only in SR2 and is not just a recreation of an aircraft made in SP
The AS-7 SPC-II is an aircraft designed to be equally at home flying around planets like droo as it is in space
And this is also the first SR2 aircraft from Nerfaddict to have a weapon, yes. This aircraft is armed.
The sole weapon on this aircraft is an EXTREMELY Powerful kerolox Laser (more like a long range plasma cutter) that'll cut through damn near anything vanilla or otherwise like a knife through butter that has been put in the microwave for 30 seconds. You'd be hard pressed to find anything that'll survive 2 seconds from this thing, let alone with stock parts
The actions groups are quite simply named, but for those who have the brain power of an amoeba (Dumb as bricks), heres what they do:
1.Laser = Activates the laser
2.Atmosphere Control = Enables the main control surfaces for use in atmospheres like droo
3.Space Control = Enables Precision control of the plane in zero gravity environments
8.Landing Gear = Retracts the Landing Gear
10.RCS = Enables the Internal Gyroscope. This is a must for space flight
Extra control Notes:
Brake = Thrust Reverse. Meant for slowing down in space
and back to my slumber I go
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
I say over powered by mods or xml .. but . It does fly well . And others should try and maybe enjoy
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
I have to fly and try before I buy .. but I promise I'll upvote if it flies well . If not . I'll make it fly well lol .
@XionmassResearchDevt thanks