Here's a vizzy-less version of what I've been working on for over a month. I wasnt going to post it until I had the vizzy completely done, but I figured that I should post the manual version now so that you guys can give me feedback.
All AG's are labeled, and should carry any payload you can fit in the cargo bay without mass tinkering. Hope you all enjoy!
More to come,
Hermes signing off.
Instructions for use:
Takeoff is normal, make sure you're using alt engines. Once you get to about 15 km, turn off control surfaces, and activate the gyroscopes. At 20 km, activate VAC engines, and at 40 km deactivate ALT engines. Make sure you lower your orbit to 100 km or below circular ish orbit before attempting re-entry. Slider 1 opens all the doors that aren't the cargo bay door or the docking arm bay door (will be fixed in final post). Slider 2 does airbrakes. Not a good idea to go full throttle if you're not trying to get to orbit.
- Predecessor: Backup-1
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.700.0
- Price: $80,746k
- Number of Parts: 587
- Dimensions: 10 m x 59 m x 61 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 16.1MN
- Engines: 9
- Wet Mass: 6.1E+5kg
- Dry Mass: -8,787,709kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
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2,751 Hermes01000100
If you bring it to an orbit of higher than 100 km, bring it down to 100km before re-entering or else you will explode.
3,030 TerTech
I am not skilled at landing so I hope the Vizzy will take care of the whole thing from Launch until landing
7,534 Hannah1212
Ooo spaceplane! I’ve always wanted to make one, but planes aren’t really my thing. This looks awesome tho, can’t wait to see it with vizzy.
3,664 JSO18
Looks amazing! The only problem was that after starting to gain some speed and getting to around 20km altitude, it flipped backwards. Was I doing something wrong? I was still using "ALT engines" and I was at around 30 degree pitch. The gyroscope was off. Other than that it flies great and looks incredible! The outside looks really sleek and the interior is amazing! Nice job!
2,751 Hermes01000100
Most of the negative mass is from the dead weight to keep the craft balanced.
@JSO18 lol forgot to say in desc. Turn gyro on after you get to about 14 km to prevent that from happening.