Auto Credit Based on MayDevolpments's Capsule Recovery Craft

quick nimble amphibious plane.


  • Predecessor: Capsule Recovery Craft
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,630k
  • Number of Parts: 87
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 20 m x 15 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 7,034kg
  • Dry Mass: 5,309kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    Apologies for the lack of description, as this is stilla work in progress. I only uploaded this to transfer to my PC for finishing so hopefully this will be much more refined in the near future. The intended use for the device on slider 4 was to be a sort of brake to slow the plane while above the water the prevent damage to the fuselage, it did not work as intended so I did end up removing that part as a whole in the latest rendition, I will update this post soon hopefully.

    one month ago
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    105 Heady978

    Nice idea for a sea plane. A description would help much. I found out Slider 1 is kinda flaps, Slider 3 for side floats, Slider 4 for engine pitch and Slider 2 for that thing down there. But what is that thing?!

    one month ago
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    2,063 macielc567

    Ķkkkkkkkk tava vuando fui liga o painel sola as elis combrou kkkkkkk

    one month ago
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    2,063 macielc567

    aero modelo legal

    one month ago

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