Auto Credit Based on LonelySpaceGuy's Soyuz with Interior V2 [Autolaunch Droo]

Original soyuz rocket by Owl2:
soyuz capsule made by me

Modified soyuz with interior. added my Simple hollow docking ports so it could
dock with my updated ISS with interior with hollow docking ports as well. removed the panelled walls around the portholes
and smoothen the capsule surface.
added some effects.

Press AG4 and the rocket launches to space automatically achieving around
120x115km low droo orbit.

the reentry program is armed around 40 seconds after spacecraft achieve orbit and separate
from the upper stage. Manually deorbit to your desired location on droo. No further input is required once the deorbit burn is complete. after descending below
80000km, the soyuz spacecraft modules will automatically separate, the capsule will then orient itself to reentry position. the parachutes and soft landing jets will activate for a soft landing



  • Total Delta V: 7.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 6.3MN
  • Engines: 53
  • Wet Mass: 1.89E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 34,865kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 32 3.1km/s 3.8MN 2.6m 1.89E+5kg
2 0 0m/s 0N 0s 89,020kg
5 8 2.2km/s 300kN 2.4m 27,780kg
7 1 1.8km/s 50kN 4.4m 9,788kg
11 1 100m/s 93kN 3s 2,481kg

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