This craft want to look like to the telescope Hubble. It's it third version of Hubble
The antennas can be deployed with the slider 1, this one open the telescope at the same time
their is a system of mirror inside the telescope, slider 2 allowed you to move the miror.
The solars pannels are closed at launch.
Hubble V 3 is smaller than real Hubble (about 2 times).
NEW : the telescope can be closed with slider 2, it mirror is larger and the light capture is realist now. A few details have been added, the attenas deployed itself with pistons. It's harder to put Hubble one a rocket but it's not realy hard.
It's may be the before last version of Hubble
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@WSASTDS I will see (I don't know a lot of thing about it), thanks for your comment