Based on its successful docking, the second pod could be named the Celestial Ocean Module, it means exploring the vastness and depth of the universe.

The Skyrocket Cloud Sea Experiment Module will be equipped with an advanced interior to support astronauts to live and work in space for a long time. The interior design will include:

      • Living area * *: Provides comfortable living space including sleeping pods, personal lockers and recreational facilities.

  • Working area : equipped with necessary scientific experiment equipment and workstations to support a variety of scientific experiments and research tasks.
  • Life support systems : including air regeneration, water recycling and waste disposal systems to ensure the survival needs of astronauts in space.
  • *Communication system : to ensure real-time communication between the experimental module and the ground control centre and other modules of the station.

      • Energy system * *: use solar panels and battery storage systems to provide a stable energy supply for the laboratory module.

The interior design of the Tianqi Yunhai Experiment Module will combine practicality and comfort to provide an efficient and safe working and living environment for astronauts, while supporting future deep space exploration missions


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,108,683k
  • Number of Parts: 579
  • Dimensions: 22 m x 22 m x 98 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 4.3E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.46E+6kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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