Simple little test to see how props worked. Decided to make my favorite swedish fighter
The SAAB J-21 was a peculiar fighter/bomber in the WW2 Propellar era, not simply for it's push propellar system, but also for it's wealth of armorment. It ran a somewhat limited lifespan before being outclassed by new Jet Fighters after WW2 ended.
this puppy takes off at 53 m/s in game, so once you reach there, push the nose down and pull it right back up. it's a little unstable on takeoff, so be careful
use the pitch and roll sliders as trim, and have fun!
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1,987 Liftey
Looks great! Do you have any tips on how to stop the props from taking damage from spinning? I have mine at 2000 aswell and they keep breaking.
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@Liftey I think maaaaaybe thicker props do that but, I kinda just deal with damage. Usually when you take off the ground the damage is reduced, so maybe it has something to do with AOA, so try moving the pitch of blades. Otherwise idk lol