This vehicle is stock
The Iota 2 is a heavy lift launch vehicle capable of putting 200 tons into a Solar orbit.
It features the new High Energy Upper Stage (I15SS1)
2 of its 6 boosters have reduced thrust, they will decouple after the 4 boosters, just before MECO.
You could put lighter payloads into higher orbits.
1. Lift off by max throttle then stage
2. Start gravity turn when you reach 1.5km
3. Gradually turn east, reaching 45 degrees @15km
4. Stage twice when the liquid boosters deplete
5. Stage twice when the liquid boosters deplete
6. Stage once when first stage depletes
7. Jettison fairings when >60km
8. Gradually lower heading form 45 degrees to 20 degrees
9. Lock prograde when vertical speed starts increasing
10. Continue burning to circularize/escape
Features: Decor, Vacuum nozzles, Custom RCS blocks, Fuel lines, etc.
6 x I4B1 (With reduced thrust on 2)
1 x I9FS1
1 x I15SS1
1 x I15F1
Developed by
- Successors 2 craft(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Price: $150,710k
- Number of Parts: 555
- Dimensions: 114 m x 21 m x 25 m
- Total Delta V: 6.4km/s
- Total Thrust: 118.6MN
- Engines: 56
- Wet Mass: 6.99E+6kg
- Dry Mass: 4.48E+5kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 25 | 1.9km/s | 99.2MN | 1.8m | 6.51E+6kg |
2 | 4 | 2m/s | 2.5MN | 4s | 6.51E+6kg |
4 | 2 | 1m/s | 1.3MN | 4s | 5.07E+6kg |
6 | 25 | 4.5km/s | 15.6MN | 5.4m | 2.58E+6kg |
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40.7k KellyNyanbinary
@JMan112 Thr total change in velocity that your craft is capable of.
@Kell np