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4,796 TweedleAerospace
@JSO18 sure. Hopefully I can get this to set the heading and then I will release that program. Right now I need to focus on my boost back program working.
3,664 JSO18
@Tweedle_Aerospace this is awesome! If I credit you, can I attempt to use this in my more accurate Sparrow, the Sparrow 2B?
4,796 TweedleAerospace
@Vedhaspace it worked. I am trying to figure out if I can make it in meters.
4,796 TweedleAerospace
@Vedhaspace it tells you how far away you are in lat/long coordinates and also uses that information to tells you which direction you need to go. It is set to LZ1 but can be modified.
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North and south is X east and west is y and height is z