The dynetics proposal for the 2024 moon landing
Like all my old crafts, this one is hard to fly. Landing isn't hard, but having enough fuel to get back to orbit is tight.
I recommend a starting orbit of 17km
The solar array can be deployed by action group and slider1
The pressurized cabin is not build. Its getting to late and don't know, if I can find some free time anytime soon.
So If someone want's to add a propper cabbin, he is free to do so
Obviously I have no idea, if the dry/wet masses are correct, or if the engine is accurate. So calling this a replica is debatable
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Hey look nice I have the spaceX new starship moon lander and you have a dynestics lander look cool
1,890 karimspina
Very good job. I made the ppe, esprit and halo to do the gateway, where the lander will dock to. Very detailed
2,458 Klosskopf
@Anand they consist of elements stacked together and positioned inside of each other.
One element consists of a tiny little fueltank, beeing the attachment point for two pistons and a small solarpanel. The next element gets attached with its fuel tank to one of the pistons of the previous element. The pistons enlarge a little bit less than the hight of a solarpanel.
So a bunch of tiny solarpanels are stuck together at the same position and get seperated by pistons. -
2,458 Klosskopf
@hiccupthechief turning the fuel lines on messes up with the propelant transfere. For some reason, I never managed to make those prioritys work. But propelant transfere is enabeled. That ensures, that the outermost tanks get emptied first an can be jettisoned. Enabling the fuel line breaks this and all tanks empty at the same rate, actually lowering dv. The dv calculations in SR2 just can't cope with crossfeed and calculate a way lower dv
686 hiccupthechief
Spectacular work! but there may be a tiny little problem:the fuel line of the Side Interstage is off.Turning it on can reach 1599dv.
2,458 Klosskopf
@Kell That is quite a premature conclusion.
I found a free day. Well not really. I butchered it from a not free day -
I will all love dynetics HLS. Good bye