That craft are a replica of the galacticraft(minecraft mod) vehicle, that crsft sirves for land on non-atmosphereic and low gravitated planets
here is rhe wiki
-Open Dev console and input rhe command of infinite fuel, just search how to do it on simplerockets 2 or google
-RCS some tiems(NOT EVERYTIME) Only for stabilize lands, beacause the craft starts rotating uncontrolable
-Use navigation auto-redirectors(retrogade mode for landing recomended)
-Just have fun with it, sirves for land on non-atmosphereic moons and dwarf planets, and some planets how mercury
one of the photos are an old version what actually are fixed
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11.5k Chtite451SR2
Not bad
However, the Mercury I use uses the same lander as on Mars soo… ;)
(The one that looks like pathfinder lander)
And I mean in MC so you know -
That was based on a minecraft mod, I think what was the hardest craft to make, until more crafts, thanks always, have a bug, but I fixed it but I dont know how to republish it again, have other bug what can be solved disabling rcs(RCS ONLY FOR LANDING STABILIZATING OR DECORATION) and activating block maneuvering mode, and accelerating time to stabilize uncontrolable rotating of the craft