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A missile in the style of the hard sci-fi space warfare game "Children of a Dead Earth."
Just like in COADE, it has big radiators for outputting excess heat. Its engine might be inaccurate in terms of function and performance to COADE, but I mostly made this build to be aesthetically similar.
COADE presents a vision of realistic orbital warfare that is very different from anything in other sci-fi, the game's level of realism gives some utilitarian beauty to the designs of the warships. I find it interesting that one day space warfare may be waged in real life with missiles that look like this one.
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3,428 Kaeya
I actually just bought COADE a couple days ago so it's nice to see something inspired by it
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@SeeyaTheFurry Oh, have fun, I never got past the Ceres mission. I just realized the missiles in COADE don't actually have radiators and they use nitromethane as fuel, this thing is more like a drone then. I didn't put too much effort into it, but I enjoyed the aesthetics.