this is a fly catching cow net rocket
it has:
a fly net
really detailed/really important flies
a really detailed/really important fly display
a really detailed/really important fly in one of the fly nets
cow rocket
slider 1: net hatch(es)
slider 2: make the nets go up and down, its just for the aerodynamics
ag1: release the pesky flies)
this cow will get his revenge..
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Price: $2,149,801k
- Number of Parts: 125
- Dimensions: 12 m x 6 m x 6 m
- Total Delta V: 4.8km/s
- Total Thrust: 539kN
- Engines: 1
- Wet Mass: 11,386kg
- Dry Mass: 2,674kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
2 | 1 | 4.8km/s | 539kN | 41s | 10,188kg |
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330 ToadAeronautics
I released the pesky flies at 40 km ASL, and then landed. if you have 17 percent fuel left, you can land without needing parachutes. Great rocket, it was fun watching the pesky flies fall from 40 km ASL.
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credit to @ToadAeronautics for this really cool idea