A VERY heavy and an absolute chonker of a railcannon i made. (does not actually fire)
Theoretically fires 40x160mm Depleted Uranium APFSDS at 4km/s
10 round magazine
Caseless Ammunition
450 RPM
around 95k per unit
recoil wil vaporize you. and will deafen, and incapacitate anyone near you. muzzle flash is equivalent to a tank's
1 out 3 gun models im preparing for personal use in literature
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Honestly, if one of you manages to convert it so that it can actually fire and you use it for a gundam like build or something similar, thats gonna be awesome.
For ones that will actually try that, modify the gun as much as you want honestly.
heavily based on Punishing: Gray Raven - Scale (Wanshi's weapon)