For a falcon 9 style reusable rocket, checkout my previous craft Automated Reusable Rocket

This is a fully autonomous replica of starship SN8’s high altitude flight test. The vehicle will perform the launch and controlled ascent to 20km using its onboard flight computers. Once at apogee the craft will hover 2km south of the landing site and transition to horizontal. Using its flaps, the vehicle will divert directly over the launch site in preparation for the “belly flop to tail down” landing. It also features onboard cameras and an automatic camera switching mode AG2.

To take manual control of the craft, activate AG1. This disables the flight computers allowing you to use it as a “normal rocket”. Use AG 3 to activate the flaps which allow for control in all axes, roll pitch and yaw!
Thought I’d share my progress so far towards a fully automated Starship Superheavy and Chopstick system. Hopefully next up will be fully controlled re-entry to a pinpoint landing site.
Stay tuned!


-Can be launched from any location at DSC

-AG1 to disable the flight computer (use if you want to take manual control)

-AG2 for cinematic mode

-AG3 activates the flap control when in the belly flop (use in manual mode)

-Sometimes the flaps tend to flutter. This is a bug in the base code which will be fixed in the next version


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $27,625k
  • Number of Parts: 274
  • Dimensions: 56 m x 17 m x 14 m


  • Total Delta V: 4.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 3.3MN
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 2.09E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 63,413kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 4.1km/s 3.3MN 2.3m 2E+5kg


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    @LaunchRocketsForFood Thanks! This will help

    +1 20 days ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune 啊,直接将脚本添加到相机中。谢谢

    20 days ago
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    @fastplanesforjunofun sry for the essay. This channel looks quite good for vizzy tutorials Made For Space

    20 days ago
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    @fastplanesforjunofun There aren’t really any definitive resources that cover vizzy. Really the complexity is more in the structure of the code and designing the maths and control systems. Think of this structuring like writing an essay, and then writing the vizzy script is like pasting the essay into google translate. It really depends on what you want to program but I would start with small projects like making a hopper maintain its altitude, then maybe make it keep its position, then try cutting the engine and trying a hoverslam etc… Its really important to have simple processes like this understood and optimised before moving on to more complex stuff. That being said I think the most important concepts are
    -Knowing how to structure code
    -Having a good understanding of trigonometry and SUVAT equations. This video looks good, but it doesn’t need “custom expressions” which can add more complexity
    Suicide Burn Script
    -Understanding how to write a PID controller. Doesn’t have to be too complex but it is important. This video was useful for me a while ago if you have the time to watch it through
    Joe Barnard explaining PID

    20 days ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood 分两个craft或者camera里面写程序

    +1 20 days ago
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    This is an awesome rocket!

    +1 21 days ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood can you give me some links on how to get started in vizzy please? Love the craft and I recreated SN-8. I’m a huge starship fan and can’t wait till the booster catch in the next couple of weeks

    21 days ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune 我该怎么做?未连接时是否仍允许可变缩放?

    22 days ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood 改距离不就得了settings. xml里自己改个100km

    22 days ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune 由于某种原因,如果相机连接到主飞机,程序只能更改 FOV。如果摄像机有自己的命令舱,它将受到物理距离的限制。没有办法解决这个问题。

    22 days ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood 可以通过检测摄像头位置与craft本体的方法动态调整fov

    23 days ago
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    @DJRianGamerONJUNO you can that manually if you activate AG1 before it lifts off. Just don’t fly off with the launch table😂

    25 days ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood NO. so do it in your next craft

    +1 25 days ago
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    Can it do static fire too?

    25 days ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune is there a way to edit this without reposting? Will do so for the next craft.

    26 days ago
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    you can rename the camera and activation groups for better experience

    26 days ago
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    Lol sn8 go kaboom!

    +1 26 days ago


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