Prophet Ezekiel called them Splendor of the Highest. Egyptians called them Winged sun disks.
Indians called them Vimanas on Ramayana and Mahabharata.
This craft exists on every ancient civilization mythology but is it really a mythology?
Enoch describes a leader of them called JEQUN.
Ezekiel describes a detailed description of the craft that revealed on him and a reconstruction of it is this craft.
Did alliens visited us on the distant past ?
Did they jumpstart our civilization?
Are we their creation ?
Search Erich von Däniken for more information.
I didn't really believed that it would fly properly on this game as its too odd as a design but to my surprise it is very stable.Its design keeps it very stable during reentry and and landing.I only tinkered fuel amount ,mass just to give it more fly time and temperature of the parts to allow it to reentry atmosphere and not explode.
Activation groups have the name that Ezekiel used to describe them.
Tips hit the brakes just before landing touchdown to do a smooth landing.
Don't turn off lock heading.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $183,424k
  • Number of Parts: 54
  • Dimensions: 11 m x 12 m x 12 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 641kN
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 21,199kg
  • Dry Mass: 6,218kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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