The HN Andromeda (HS-8817) submarine emerged from a collaboration between the Hurbanian Navy and top-tier engineering firms. Here's the origin story:

Origins of the HN Andromeda (HS-8817) Submarine

The HN Andromeda (HS-8817) submarine stands as a testament to the Hurbanian Navy's commitment to innovation and naval superiority. Designed to be a versatile and agile vessel, it incorporates state-of-the-art technology to meet the evolving challenges of maritime warfare.

Development Background:
In response to increasing regional tensions and the need for a highly maneuverable and capable naval asset, the Hurbanian Navy initiated the development of the HS-8817 submarine in the late 2020s. Drawing inspiration from successful small submarine designs like the Rf Barracuda, Hurbanian engineers set out to create a vessel that would excel in both offensive capabilities and speed.

Design Features:
The HS-8817 submarine boasts several cutting-edge features, including canards and electric contra-props, which provide exceptional maneuverability and agility underwater. Despite its non-stealthy design, its speed, reaching upwards of 20+ meters per second, ensures swift deployment and evasion tactics.

Positioned at the rear of the submarine, the HS-8817 is equipped with a formidable arsenal of 10 missiles, allowing it to engage enemy vessels with precision and effectiveness. This firepower, coupled with its speed, makes the submarine a formidable force in naval engagements.

Manufacture and Deployment:
Manufactured by Hurbanian naval shipyards utilizing advanced materials and construction techniques, the HS-8817 exemplifies the nation's dedication to maritime superiority. With its compact size and impressive capabilities, the Andromeda submarine has been deployed across various strategic regions, bolstering Hurban's naval presence and defense capabilities.

The HN Andromeda (HS-8817) submarine represents a significant advancement in naval technology, showcasing Hurban's commitment to staying at the forefront of maritime warfare. With its combination of speed, agility, and firepower, it stands ready to defend the nation's interests and secure its maritime borders.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,396k
  • Number of Parts: 32
  • Dimensions: 13 m x 13 m x 49 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 2.52E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 85,298kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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