Auto Credit Based on LonelySpaceGuy's Space Shuttle Columbia [SERAKU]

Inspired from For All Mankind Season 2 & Season 3

Military Transport System or MTS was a Military version of the Space Shuttle used by the United States Air Force(USAF) and the Department of Defense(DoD). It was mostly used during the height of the Cold War, where it has a Capable of Launching to Polar Orbits, Launching Satellites and carrying Moon Marines for Training to the moon, MTS has only 2 Military Shuttles, MTS-OV 100 Missouri and MTS-OV 101 Iowa, Both of which named after the Iowa Class Battleships, They were used between 1981 and 1985, MTS-OV 100 Missouri was the first Military Rocket to be launched to LEO, just 2 weeks after NASA launched Enterprise, in 1985, both Shuttles were now Replaced by the Pathfinder Fleets, which is the new Shuttle for Dod, However, the MTS are still used for the USAF as their only vehicle to ever fly into Space

Fun Fact

Originally, Both Shuttles were previously a NASA Shuttles before they were purchased by the USAF, their real names were OV-110 Constitution And OV-111 Navajo

Craft credit goes to SERAKU's Space Shuttle


  • Predecessor: Space Shuttle Columbia [SERAKU]
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.918.1
  • Price: $274,856k
  • Number of Parts: 940
  • Dimensions: 60 m x 26 m x 26 m


  • Total Delta V: 10.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 99.2MN
  • Engines: 21
  • Wet Mass: 1.68E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.49E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 5 5.5km/s 22.0MN 6.5m 1.68E+6kg
2 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8.24E+5kg
3 2 3.0km/s 850kN 6.8m 1.75E+5kg
4 4 2.0km/s 57.7MN 4s 1.75E+5kg



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