The 'do-it-all' spacecraft--if the Apollo CSM and LEM had a kid, this is it. Can achieve low lunar orbit from launch. Refuel and this bad boy is capable of descent and ascent (max 60 km above lunar surface). Oh yeah, the first stage is reusable. Cut the engines at 15%, back burn until 9%, open the gridfins, and you're ready to land. Toggle the outer engines with AG 2 for a steady landing.

The crew module landing legs are backed with shocks and can land on Droo with parachutes safely if tanks are empty. It is capable of a propulsive landing, but its tricky.

All action keys are labled. Make sure you close the nose hatch and move the gantry arm before launch.

Due to the launch pad, delta v equations below are off for the 1st stage, here's the accurate numbers:

Stage 1
- Delta V 3,396 m/s
- ISP 299 s
- Thrust 4,280 kN

Action Keys:

  1. Nose Hatch
  2. First Stage Outer Engines
  3. Abort
  4. Grid Fins
  5. Gantry Arm
  6. Module Landing Legs
  7. Parachutes
  8. Fist Stage Landing Legs
  9. Solar Panels
  10. RCS


  • Created On: Mac
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $34,172k
  • Number of Parts: 235
  • Dimensions: 108 m x 70 m x 59 m


  • Total Delta V: 7.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 7.6MN
  • Engines: 15
  • Wet Mass: 4.06E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.7E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 6 1.8km/s 4.3MN 2.1m 4.06E+5kg
3 1 3.2km/s 2.5MN 47s 62,541kg
5 4 2.2km/s 123kN 2.1m 8,918kg
7 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8,918kg


  • Modular Launch Pads by ComplexRockets Team
    Version 0.1 (7/7/2019 11:50:13 PM)
    View Mod Page
  • Simple Decals Plane Pack by Aram Lomax (Mr_maraunet)
    Version 1.0 (6/20/2019 8:50:14 PM)


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    45.6k MarioG

    @CasualCrusade thanks plan on releasing V_2 with more paintable sections to each part since i dont like how its one solid coat, also to change size use tinker panel pretty sure you already knew that but just in case

    5.7 years ago
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    @MarioG loving the launch pad mod. Great work

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    45.6k MarioG


    +1 5.7 years ago


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