The Phil Main is a battleship which is prepared by the Naval Administration to deal with the enemy's super battleships. The General Administration of The Navy believes that when the enemy country has absolute maritime control, our army must have a counterbalance to achieve the effect of self-defense and even counterattack. So the chief officer of the First Fleet said, we need a super battleship to protect our oceans. The main gun is now over 457 mm. We need bigger and stronger ships! Under these circumstances, the Frigate Feil Main was born with a design standard displacement of 53,000 tons and a full displacement of 68,000 tons. Navy general think phil ma Yin need equipped with 520 mm main gun can compete with them, but the domestic is not enough resources to produce such a barrel, and since 500 mm naval gun use cost is too high but not reach the effect, so phil ma Yin plan finally equipment three triple loaded 17 inches (450 mm) naval gun, the main gun adopted all front and a pyramid shaped arrangement method, purpose is to save armor weight by minimizing the key protection area, turret armor is the thickest area of more than 430 mm, and 17 ° inclined to decorate, the bridge armor only thin 40 mm, posterior only 70 mm. The Fel Marin's sub-gun is mounted on the bridge, and the single-mounted 157mm variant of the dual-use gun is packed in the middle of the island, though it has only six. The gun performed so well on destroyers that the Navy abandoned its then-new twin-mounted 125mm sub-gun. On the air side, the ship is equipped with six Bofors 40mm quadriple anti-aircraft guns, one of which is mounted on top of turret No. 3. Each type of 20mm anti-aircraft gun is excluded. The seemingly superior performance of the eight T2 variant boilers proved to be less than satisfactory in practice, with the Fer-Marin, which could reach speeds of 32 knots, often being towed due to overheating and shutdowns

I hope you like this work. You can leave a message and talk freely. I will continue to work hard! See you in the next work. Bye-bye


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $356,459k
  • Number of Parts: 6149
  • Dimensions: 52 m x 40 m x 296 m


  • Total Delta V: 41.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 66.6MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 1.88E+7kg
  • Dry Mass: -126,829,904kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 8 41.2km/s 66.6MN 1.13hours 1.88E+7kg


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    16.0k Forwind

    1v1 My ship bro

    4.5 years ago
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    1,094 hdhd


    4.5 years ago
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    1,094 hdhd


    4.5 years ago
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    1,423 Sotjie03

    Wow amazing
    Looks so realistic!

    4.5 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    Amazing ship, i like all your post!

    4.5 years ago


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