Look out Proxima and Twinkle; Osiris is in town. Osiris V1 is a next-generation low-latency internet satellite constellation. Vehicles are manufactured, launched, and operated by Eagle Aerospace. The Osiris mega-constellation provides high-speed internet to over 93% of Droo. The constillation is structered in 5, LDO shells. A 100km, 105km, 110km, 115km, and 125km. Over 5000 units have been launched to date. The satilites them selves feature twin solar panel wings, 4 low-latency, high-speed data rate parabolic antennnas, other antennas that provide coverage in the Ka- and Ku+ bandwidths, and 4 station-keeping/deorbit ion engines. The ion engines maintain our company’s promise to limit space debris by deorbiting satilites after a 10 year lifespan. Plans call for over 15000 of these satilites to be placed in LDO and eventually MDO. A Phoenix V PV6S should fit up to 40 of these satellites in two parallel stacks(20 each). AG-1 and Slider 1 deploy the solar panels, parabolic, and Ka- band antennas.
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I don’t mean any offense ISX or Neostar, just saying that there’s a new competitor.
oh boy just wait until sunsat comes into town