I was unsure about sharing this craft, due its complexity. But after symplyfying the controls and design, here it is!It still may need some tweeking. Thanks!

The Deliverance rocket comes from Phase II of the Soteria Program. On top it has a Salvation Capsule ready for a round trip Luna mission.

Action Groups
1. Retract Towers (Set slider 1 to 100% before activating)
2. Abort (Activate System)
3. Abort (Decouple tower)
4. Abort (Activate Parachute

Additional Notes

At liftoff, you must constantly be controlling the rocket to ensure it stays point at 89 degrees in case of launchpad interference.
The second stage cannot complete the translunar injection, it is only meant to boost the capsule and service module into low Droo orbit. You can use the extra fuel as a boost to save on burn time, or dump the stage entirely.


  • Created On: Mac
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $17,857k
  • Number of Parts: 149
  • Dimensions: 41 m x 27 m x 27 m


  • Total Delta V: 4.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 5.3MN
  • Engines: 6
  • Wet Mass: 5.29E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.07E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 823m/s 3.0MN 1.7m 4.17E+5kg
2 1 1.8km/s 350kN 2.0m 32,036kg
3 3 74m/s 1.9MN 1s 32,006kg
4 1 2.2km/s 53kN 7.6m 14,390kg


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