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3,429 AVAXON
Nico please help me ;(( I have built a detailed replica of the boing x-51 waverider. I'm bad at vizzy but I will manage to make a program that will measure the distance to the ground and keep the missiles away. My problem is I want that the missile is launched with its own command chip and program and hits its target alone while I steer my plane.
10.1k GSpace
Warthunder gun pods are coming to SR2 get ready for the OP premium players lol
27.1k Zenithspeed
that is amazing, the gun pods legit look like a screenshot from SP, don't get me wrong though the others are epic too
5,241 Kuiper0
Very nice, I was wondering when someone would make these in SR2… especially decoy drones!
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however, even if I have a program and my own command chip in the missile, once it's dropped, it just falls down.