This craft is based on the ambitious Chandrayaan-2 mission by ISRO. It has three command chips, each for the orbiter, lander and rover. So you need to take control of the correct chip to control the desired craft.
Both the orbiter and lander have gyroscopes for stability. The orbiter has a large zoom camera which can be controlled using Sliders 1, 2 and 3. It also has vizzy to assist with orientation of the camera.
The lander has three slider controls. Sliders 2 and 3 control the door of the lander for the rover to come out. Since wheels don't work on craft surfaces, the rover has to be tilted so that it can slide out of the lander. To tilt the rover, use Slider 1. All sliders of the lander work in positive direction (0 to +100%). AutoLanding code is provided with the lander computer to effortlessly land without crashing. Important TWR info is logged in the log while Autolander is active.
Torque on rover wheels is associated with craft pitch control. The solar panel on the rover can rotate using Slider 1.
Chandrayaan for Mars?
I think it's worth trying once