Hi people. I am new and am a little overwelmed. Any help getting started. What should I build
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11.5k Chtite451SR2
@CSPACE @NASASPACEXULA and format guide here (i pinged you CSPACE because you can do the links like this without space between: [text] (link), and then you would get this)
389 Venture
@NASASPACEXULA Forum: Community - Foums - New. The numbers are points. You get them from upvotes. https://www.simplerockets.com/About/Points
Also, does anyone know what the numbers mean. like CSPACE 302 and me, 0. is it the number of posts or something else.
@CSPACE Thanks. How to I create a Forum? when I press the share button, it only lets me submit a craft
389 Venture
Hi NasaSpacexUla. A few things. Firstly, in the future, don't post this as a craft, create a forum. That's what it is for. Next, what I like to do is go through the Best Crafts and find inspiration. Good luck
@CSPACE hey he doesn’t quite have enough yet for forums. He can post in them but not start. That is something unfortunate about the point system. Or at least that is how it was for me.