Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's XF-21-7A (Frantic Matty's Aeroplane)

One-night build replicating Frantic Matty's most recent live Flyout build. The thing does not handle well, but it does fly (surprisingly). It was rather difficult to make it fly, though.

The centre of thrust is well above the centre of mass, so the flaps MUST be deployed, basically throughout the flight. I would advise holding pitch up from the moment you start accelerating, as well.

Flaps are deployed with 1, gear comes up with 8, and activate the gyro with 2. That's it for activation groups.

The paintwork is my own, based on past builds and schemes from Frantic.

Oh, and the name! The name is just "X" (Experimental) "F" (Frantic) - The date of the livestream (21 July), then "A."

Screenshots were taken between stages of testing/development, hence the missing horizontal stabiliser in some shots.



  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 41,318kg
  • Dry Mass: 32,411kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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