A Super Heavy Interstellar Launch Veichle

Payload {1KT-2KT}LDO and Beyond

For orbiting drop put it to 5% throttle{I'm not joking}
For Escaping Drop SOI then 5-10%

Basically this thing is a beast it can go to every planet.While only using it's first stage.

1st Stage: Orbital and Beyond
2nd Stage: Lander or Even more BEYOND then the entire Solar System.

Recovery Manual:
Droo: Use the parachutes or the Space X way {Manually Controlled}
Landeble Paces:Moons and Landeble Planets
: Use the parachutes or the space X way
: For Luna then The Space X way also


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $89,011k
  • Number of Parts: 101
  • Dimensions: 250 m x 26 m x 26 m


  • Total Delta V: 82.0km/s
  • Total Thrust: 688.5MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 1.11E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 7,392kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 6 44.3km/s 458.4MN 2.2m 1.11E+6kg
2 2 37.7km/s 152.8MN 1.6m 1.38E+5kg

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