Every time I try to go supersonic, the plane starts freaking out and becomes nearly uncontrollable. Please help!
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Zechi0 yeah. Also you might want to make the entire craft a little lighter since VTOL doesn’t have lift going for it
2,934 TuHruE
@Tweedle_Aerospace all that info. Thanks!! Can't believe I forgot above the orientation of the CoM and CoL
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Tweedle_Aerospace I should add to number 1 that it is because of the concentration of lift around the wings.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
Two things:
1. The Center of lift is too far ahead of the Center of Mass. This distance would be okay for a rocket or something without wings (although it would not be able to handle drastic changes to attitude very well) when you have wings it changes it up a little bit by adding more lift then just what naturally occurs. Try adding some weight to the front end even if it only gets the Center of Mass millimeters ahead of the Center of Lift. The greater distance the stabler although it may reduce the ability of the elevators (especially rear mounted ones).
2. Because of the shock waves of sound compressing near the speed of sound it applies a lot of pressure on that front area. The pitch rotators are getting the blunt of it and are therefore not being able to handle it very well in real time. Therefore they are causing weird things to happen as they are trying to “collapse” and do their purpose at the exact same time. All I did to fix this is move them in a little bit to occlude them and slightly increased the stability modification. Remember do not use too much. Try to use a maximum of 10.
Vtol vr