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@JodIsNotAFurry I just have a lot of work to do recently.
I'm trying to stay alive on my YouTube channel (BeeAcademy), Reddit (DTDance), other accounts from other games.
In addition, there is school and stress related to my personal life.
Another thing is that the SimpleRockets community was very demotivating to me when I saw someone shared some garbage, done quickly and sloppy, as I struggled for 4 days to finish the smallest detail on my Apenini Trackfighter. And you know what? To this day, I have only one upvote under this vehicle. No, I'm not dead.
Greetings dude
@JodIsNotAFurry I just have a lot of work to do recently.
I'm trying to stay alive on my YouTube channel (BeeAcademy), Reddit (DTDance), other accounts from other games.
In addition, there is school and stress related to my personal life.
Another thing is that the SimpleRockets community was very demotivating to me when I saw someone shared some garbage, done quickly and sloppy, as I struggled for 4 days to finish the smallest detail on my Apenini Trackfighter. And you know what? To this day, I have only one upvote under this vehicle. No, I'm not dead.
Greetings dude