5 days in the making..
{ Inspired by Starliner }

1st Stage : Orbital Stage
2nd Stage : Beyond
3rd Stage : Deorbit stage For Onexion

A Capsule that has A special Feature.Which is it's recovery ways and Features.
Recovery :
1 Land with The Propulsioned Unit
2 Recover Manually { Parachute }
Feutures :
1 Lights { For docking in Dark Places
2 Capacity : 25 People

AV 225 Upper stage :
A powerful Upper Stage that can deliver Payloads
Recovery: Deorbit and Crash In The Ocean
{ Don't worry it's durable}

AV 225 :
A Powerful Booster that is made for multipurpose use.
Recovery: Parachutes or Deorbit And Crash in The Ocean { It's Durable }

Flexibility :
01 AV 225 Body can be used to be turn into a Craft That Is Creweble or Used For Deploying Cargo.

02 AV 225 body is High Quality and Durable despite it crashing to the Ocean At 200 m/s.

03 Fully Reusable Craft and Body of The AV 225.Its reusable just good luck Multitasking.


  • 01 Warning : Don't go to Fast or it will burn up and EXPLODE.

  • 02 This is Not Finished :
    Bouies for the Capsule Like In KSP used for Floating
    Waiting for future update.The Capsule Now just sinks but,if in the future the game revives a future update that includes it,then I will do it.
    Redoing this craft { Remastered Version }


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $655,869k
  • Number of Parts: 137
  • Dimensions: 79 m x 12 m x 12 m


  • Total Delta V: 122.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 366.8MN
  • Engines: 21
  • Wet Mass: 6.77E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.89E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 42.7km/s 152.8MN 33s 6.77E+5kg
2 2 40.9km/s 152.8MN 8s 3.85E+5kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 2E+5kg
4 5 38.8km/s 37.3MN 56s 2E+5kg

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