Sn42b anti submarine fighter bomber is designed by Songdong aviation design bureau. The aircraft was equipped with two air bombs and two anti submarine bombs. The antisubmarine bomb is equipped with a chip and can be operated manually. The propeller can be turned on and rotated at high speed, which can make the bomb dive quickly and hit the underwater submarine in a faster time.

Due to its pure anti submarine bomber, the aircraft will have shortcomings in other aspects. Please understand.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.802.0
  • Price: $16,422k
  • Number of Parts: 123
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 17 m x 14 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 600N
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 10,242kg
  • Dry Mass: 7,286kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
2 1 0m/s 0N 0s 8,261kg

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    385 SONGDONG

    Use explanation
    03:русский язык


    Sn31b combat bombing anti submarine aircraft is designed by Songdong aviation bureau to adapt to the crisis brought by submarines. The aircraft carries two air dropped bombs (black) and two anti submarine bombs (green, red and blue). Airdrop bombs don't need to be explained. Just say anti submarine bombs.
    The antisubmarine bomb has propeller auxiliary power. By opening the propeller and rotating at the fastest speed, the bomb can hit the underwater submarine at a faster speed. The antisubmarine bomb carries a chip. Please [operate manually] during the whole process of bombing the submarine. Thank you for your use, thank you.

    03:русский язык:
    SN31B боевые бомбардировщики противолодочных самолетов были спроектированы Управлением гражданской авиации сосны для адаптации к кризису, вызванному подводными лодками. на борту самолета находились две авиационные бомбы (чёрные) и две противолодочные бомбы (синие цвета). авиабомба не стоит объяснять, прямо противолодочная.
    противолодочная бомба обладает вспомогательной силой винта, будет включать винт и вращаться с максимальной скоростью, чтобы бомба быстрее попала под подводную лодку. на противолодочной бомбе были чипы. Спасибо за ваше использование, спасибо.

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    3.3 years ago

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