Hello! This has taken much more time than expected, but It was worth it. If you’ve been following me, or you have seen some of my builds, I tend to do 1:1 replicas of famous crafts, like Perseverance, and the Atlas V. This is my latest build.
It gets very frustrating trying to find detailed blueprints/reference images to find out about the parts and how they work, so most details are only for aesthetics. Also, due to SimpleRockets physics, when the Huygens Probe is defending in an atmosphere, it gets really weird and turns and glitches out. So that’s my disclaimer. Another disclaimer: I used LOTS of tinker panel, so just putting that out there.
Control are very simple, activate Ag. 6 to turn on the RTGs, and don’t press Ag. 7 until the Huygens probe is ready to use the parachutes. Throttle is for the main rocket engines, which are low power but very efficient. Ignore the fairing on the bottom, that was for attaching Cassini to the earlier rocket stage. While Huygens is descending, use the staging to detach the different shells for descent. These consist of the main cover, then the best shield.
I aimed for realism, so if the crafts don’t work very well and it’s SR physics, I apologize. I tried to make them work to the beet of my ability.
I added the RTG, but I have to give credit to KraZIvan for posting them here. I couldn’t find any other way to realistically recreate the RTG myself, so I had to use it.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a nice day. Cheers!
- Successors 2 craft(s) +7 bonus
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.509.0
- Price: $2,477k
- Number of Parts: 742
- Dimensions: 8 m x 15 m x 8 m
- Total Delta V: 1.6km/s
- Total Thrust: 7kN
- Engines: 2
- Wet Mass: 8,308kg
- Dry Mass: 419kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 2 | 1.6km/s | 7kN | 22.4m | 8,308kg |
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6,068 Natedoge
Yeah, it’s sad but it was indeed necessary. (Saturnian also autocorrects for my iPhone. I now hope it doesn’t mean something other than what I think also) @Tweedle_Aerospace
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@MansBestFriend sad that this had to be destroyed. But who knows; it might have saved a Saturnian or two. (That was auto correct at work. I am surprised that is a word. Hope that means what I think it means and not something else).
You can’t. There’s no way to make parts the flex, or similar easily and with little part, it would’ve probably tripled the part count if I tried to make them fold @DigiAerospace