This is the Minotaur-6! well, you can tell it is big, and well, it's very detailed as well, the plane is not made to make to compete with big carriers like 747 or a380, like, it's just a very big coincidence, well, for the actual market it woud fail miserably, but it would sell nicely on the 90s, and it has the biggest engines ever made by our company yet
Well guys, I might stop making planes, or making planes as good as now, first because it takes some time, and I'm not having that time, and I think I've already reach my maximum, and i can't get any better, sadly, I'm probably focus on some other things like rocket and space stuff, and personal stuff
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7,193 DennisLoboGames
Rear landing gears tremble too much and are not as accurate as those of the airbus 380
7,840 SpacePanda25
I just noticed, there is two doors missing, and the last pic is a old one i used accidentally, so, sorry 😅
@LoboindustriesAerospace Yeah, i'm aware of the problem, and sadly I couldn't find any way to solve it chap, probably it has to do with the rotators and the heavy weight, and well, this plane isn't a a380, it's a original double decker of mine