The F-97 Tailless Stealth Fighter: A Comprehensive History

Origins and Development

Conceptualization and Design Phase (2010-2015)

The F-97 Tailless Stealth Fighter was conceived by Hiranese Air Defence (H.A.D.) as part of a strategic initiative to develop an advanced, next-generation fighter aircraft capable of achieving air superiority and deep penetration into enemy airspace. The design process, which began in earnest in 2010, sought to create a single-seat, single-engine stealth fighter that would embody cutting-edge technology and innovative design principles.

Key Design Features:
1. Tailless Configuration: The primary feature of the F-97 was its tailless design, which significantly reduced its radar cross-section, making it harder to detect by enemy radar systems.

  1. Winglets for Stability: To ensure stability and effective yaw control, winglets were integrated into the design. These winglets, positioned at the wingtips, provided necessary aerodynamic stability and improved maneuverability, counteracting the typical instability associated with tailless aircraft.

  2. Single-Engine Power: The F-97 was powered by a single, high-thrust, low-observable engine, providing a balance between performance, stealth, and operational efficiency.

  3. Armament: The aircraft was equipped with two Igor 3 15mm machine guns mounted near the cockpit. These machine guns offered a robust close-range defense capability, complementing the aircraft's stealth and precision strike capabilities.

  4. Advanced Materials: The F-97's airframe utilized advanced composite materials and stealth coatings, further minimizing its radar signature and enhancing its survivability.

Prototyping and Testing (2015-2020)

Prototype Development

The first prototype, designated F-97A, was completed in late 2015. Extensive ground testing, including static and dynamic assessments, validated the aircraft's structural integrity and stealth features. The focus was on ensuring that the tailless design and winglets provided the necessary stability and control.

Flight Testing

The F-97A's maiden flight took place in early 2017. The initial flights were aimed at testing basic flight characteristics and the effectiveness of the winglets in providing stability. Over the next three years, additional prototypes (F-97B and F-97C) underwent rigorous flight testing, which included high-speed maneuvering, stealth effectiveness evaluations, and weapons integration tests.

Notable Achievements:
- Successful demonstration of tailless flight stability with winglets.
- Confirmation of low radar cross-section capabilities.
- Effective integration and testing of the Igor 3 machine guns.

Operational Deployment and Enhancements (2020-Present)

Initial Deployment

By 2020, the F-97 had entered limited operational service with the Hiranese Air Defence Force. Its initial deployment focused on reconnaissance and electronic warfare roles, leveraging its stealth capabilities to gather intelligence and disrupt enemy communications and radar systems.

Enhancements and Upgrades

Continuous improvements were made to the F-97 platform. The F-97D variant, introduced in 2023, featured upgraded avionics, enhanced stealth coatings, and an improved engine for better performance and fuel efficiency. These upgrades extended the aircraft's operational range and improved its overall combat effectiveness.

Legacy and Impact

Influence on Future Aircraft

The F-97's successful implementation of a tailless design with winglets and advanced stealth features influenced future aircraft development within H.A.D. and beyond. It demonstrated that tailless configurations could achieve both stealth and stability, setting new standards for future fighter aircraft designs.

Operational Successes

Throughout its service life, the F-97 participated in various key operations, proving its capabilities in both defensive and offensive roles. Its contributions to intelligence gathering, precision strikes, and electronic warfare solidified its reputation as a versatile and highly effective stealth fighter.


The F-97 Tailless Stealth Fighter stands as a testament to Hiranese Air Defence's commitment to innovation and technological advancement. By overcoming the challenges associated with tailless aircraft and integrating advanced materials, stealth technology, and effective armament, the F-97 has established itself as a pivotal asset in modern aerial warfare. Its legacy continues to influence the design and development of next-generation stealth fighters, ensuring its place in the annals of aviation history.

Engine: Ag1
Canopy: Ag2
Navigation: lights Ag3
Weapon bay: Ag4
Beacon lights: Ag5
Gun door: Ag6
Landing gear: Ag8
Air/speed brake: obviously brake duh

This also has:
Custom nozzle ( for infrared stealth )


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $11,647k
  • Number of Parts: 62
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 14 m x 18 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 39,485kg
  • Dry Mass: 13,860kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 0m/s 0N 0s 39,485kg



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