Full size replica of SSN-21, seawolf class nuclear attack submarine. Masts/periscopes function. Career mode friendly. Will do up to 70 knots. Sub has a huge range, but when the battery is drained it will take a couple droo days to charge back up.
Slider 1 bow dive plane.
Slider 2 stern dive plane.
Slider 3 main engine throttle.
Throttle is manuvering engines rpm.
Yaw (slider) is rudder/manuvering
Slider 4 is masts/pariscope zoom.
To use the masts, turn on the action group for the one you want or all at once, then use slider 4 to get them to the height desired. Turn off the action groups and they will stay at that height. Slider 4 can then be used for the camera zoom without affecting pariscope height.
Sub will start in the bay nose slightly down, it will eventually settle into a level position, but you can use pitch control to settle it faster. Use bow and stern planes to get the sub to rise/dive and to set its level in the water while moving on the surface.