Tilt-engined variant of the Delta SuperFlex. This spaceplane uses four articulating combined cycle engines to allow for vertical takeoffs and high-Mach flight. The propulsion system consists of eight turbojets and eight nuclear thermal rockets. High payload capacity is possible with a large cargo bay.

Brake - Operates the airbrakes.
Slider 1 - Operates the tilt-engines. below 40% is horizontal mode and above 40% is vertical mode. 70% is 90 deg (vertical) and 100% is maximum rearwards tilt. Thrust differential is automatically enabled when in vertical mode.
Slider 2 - Takeoff/landing flaps.
Slider 3 - Operates autohover vertical velocity when AG 14 is enabled. 100% is +10 m/s and -100% is -10 m/s.

All other AGs are labeled.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,484,156k
  • Number of Parts: 517
  • Dimensions: 18 m x 71 m x 126 m


  • Total Delta V: 56.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 358.3MN
  • Engines: 28
  • Wet Mass: 6E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 3.26E+6kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 8 28.0km/s 179.2MN 10.8m 6E+6kg
2 8 0m/s 0N 0s 6E+6kg
3 8 28.0km/s 179.2MN 10.8m 6E+6kg


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    4,757 sacr3dbac0n0

    @BIGMEATYTHIGHS I increased the damper on the rotators, but I'm not aware of any ways to to strengthen the mechanism since adding more reinforcing elements only weakens the tilt assembly. So in that case the only option is to edit the engines to be massless.

    1.3 years ago
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    Any way to make the tilt engines more sturdy? they seem to break on hard vtol landings landings

    1.3 years ago
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    @sacr3dbac0n0 kk mate. Air breathing engines refused to hover, they instead slow glide to the ground as long as slider 3 is -1. Rocket engines hover, but hover control (slider 3) only caters for hover height increases and altitude hold. Can't reduce hover height with it. That's the issue.

    1.3 years ago
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    4,757 sacr3dbac0n0

    @Silverback Could you specify the vehicle's configuration when you encounter this problem? I am having trouble replicating it. For example, tilt of engines, airbreathing, rocket mode, or both, and autopilot stabilization on or off.

    1.3 years ago
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    4,757 sacr3dbac0n0

    @Samps0n The only thing things that are a factor in this stall speed prediction are the 1 g, 1.225 kg/m^3 stall speed and the relative flight conditions. The equation only needs to be calibrated with that ASL Earth stall speed and then current air density, current gravitational acceleration, and current mass are taken to compute a unitless ratio. ASL Earth air density, ASL Earth gravitational acceleration, and vehicle initial mass are also factors for the ratio, but those don't change. The equation is modeled and derived from the usual stall speed equation, except C_L and S are substituted with 1 g, 1.225 kg/m^3 stall speed (experimentally found). Weight is also substituted with current gravitational acceleration/9.81 and m/initial m. The derivation is a little confusing and has some simplified assumptions that may not always be true, but in ideal conditions, the results between the traditional equation and this one are exact.
    v _ stall, current = v _ stall, 1g * sqrt [ (1.225 / rho _ current) * (g _ current / 9.81) * (m _ current / m _ initial) ]

    1.3 years ago
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    Aye bacon, brother I have been looking for some historical shit. I took this beast out for a spin. What's being accounted for in the stall speed? It accounts for only horizontal motor position? Alt? AoA? I only ask because vtol and stall speed seem to be strictly oxymoronic. Lol. I am on iOS iPhone pro and the +/-10~ m/s its pretty smooth what you say it should be. I live ya for you attention to detail and what you believe you can stand behind and your realistic everything is admirable but your use of multiple nuclear motors is your one artistic license.. To land or lift without the wing decrease your cargo %. From 123m/s stall speed to 0m/s your lift is thrust. Your vizzy shit is really top rate, I like how only Very clever builders can advise input to help ya. Shit, you know me, to chatty.

    1.3 years ago
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    @sacr3dbac0n0 appreciated mate

    1.3 years ago
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    4,757 sacr3dbac0n0

    @Silverback I had to offset the function for airbreathing mode compensate for spooling time and autopilot inputs so there's a chance it's not working properly while in airbreathing and closed-cycle mode at the same time. I'll check that again.

    1.3 years ago
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    @sacr3dbac0n0 so the hover program is steady, but it only facilitates upwards increase in hover height. Are you perchance able to facilitate a decrease in hover height?

    1.3 years ago
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    4,757 sacr3dbac0n0

    @Silverback Yeah you're right. I forgot I changed it.

    1.3 years ago
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    19.7k CanadaDucK

    Cool 😎

    1.3 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    This is very sophisticated, yet amazing in its own way.

    1.3 years ago
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    Your hover height control seems to be slider 3 instead of slider 4

    1.3 years ago
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    16.0k Tallisar


    1.3 years ago


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