This is a fun craft.
Takeoff speed; around 60m/s
I had a blast creating it, initial aim was to make extremly weake engines usable.
Due to my girlfriend loving to crash my planes, i made a script that prevents it. You can disable it if it becomes annoying. (she still manages to crash it sometimes)
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165 mcdonalaid101
Whoa, that is an awesome program. Impossible to crash if you ask me( as I typed that it actually crashed, but the astronaut survived, so a succsessfull flight). That is really cool how it automatically activates everything, it took me by surprise when the gear went up before I pressed it. Awesome programming!
5,728 Bori0
OkAY wE gEt iT yOu hAvE a GiRlFrIeNd, YoU dON't hAvE tO RuB iT In... OkAy...
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