Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's Car

Fixed the wheels exploding! Something does still disconnect, but I don't know what. The status text says it was a structural panel?

Anyway, the car works, now! The wheels just spun too quickly before. By limiting the motors to 300 rpm, the wheels now operate as intended, they just feel a bit too ouncy. Which I can deal with, seeing as this car would be built for dirt roads.

There are a LOT of improvements visually, too. The exhaust pipe at the front, the headlights (all four), and the 'GEN 11' number plates are all now on the car.

The colours have also been made a lot birghter so as to make the vehicle more visible.

Added to this, the car now has wings! Only the two side wings are on at the moment, I'm still working on how to do the forward and aft wings and the aft propeller, but I do have an idea for the side-mounted VTOL propellers, so those should be on i the next update.

The car doesn't actually have enough lift to fly, for the flight image I just threw her off a cliff. She didn't survive.

For thr next update, I hope to have all the flight thingies on, and I may also see what I can do about an interior. I kind of doubt I'll actually add one, though.

Anyway, the groupings.

AG1: Aft Headlights
AG2: Forward Headlights
AG3: Fold/Unfold Wings
AG4-10: N/A

Hope you enjoy the build!


  • Predecessor: Car
  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $232k
  • Number of Parts: 380
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 4 m x 10 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 13,011kg
  • Dry Mass: 13,011kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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