Auto Credit Based on Spaceman2004's Janmi TAF-30 Interceptor


Due to the Ali Airforce's Anti Aircraft batteries that rendered the Baseline TAF-30 variant useless, Janmi AeroDesigns decided to change a ton of things such as the radar,flare system,adding a missile drone, and many more.



Janmi AeroDesigns Inc. Is a company that helped Tahinia Air Force with designing most of their aircraft and also helped in programming the electronics needed to run the aircraft, While Tahinia Air Force produced the aircraft.
Janmi AeroDesigns Inc helped design the following aircraft for Tahinia Air Force:
TAF-10 (Build is on my profile)
TAF-30 (Build is on my profile)
TAF-33AB (Build is on my profile)
TAF-31 (Build is on my profile)


In 1978, Due to TAF (Tahinia Air Force in short,) Having a hard time designing aircraft to use in the ALI Airforce-TAF Aerial battles,
They turned to Janmi AeroDesigns Inc. to design aircraft for them, They signed a 5.2M Dollar Contract to help in the ALI Airforce-TAF Aerial battles.

Aircraft Description:

Speed: 300-600 M/S

Mach: 1-1.5

Takeoff speed: 90-100 m/s

Armament: 1 JNI-CM Controllable Missile

Yes. I am very aware that in real life, albeit the wing isn't fully covering the inlet, on a high AoA the aircraft will stall, due to insufficient air getting into the inlet. But it is not a design flaw, as this aircraft was made to intercept and not do combat. So in this version: I changed some stuff and added a inlet near the rudder and below the aircraft and I also added a wing on top of the inlet so incase of a high AOA, air can still enter the inlet albeit at a lower rate. Still better than no air.

How to control the drone:

To control the drone, Head to the map and select the drone craft, then click the map info button (MAKE SURE YOU ARE SELECTING THE DRONE) then click the joystick button.
Quick tip: The drone's name has a number at the end of it in the map
Also, Lightly move the joystick as the drone is very sensitive to the joystick controls. Have fun!

Refuelling Tank:

To refuel, Make sure that you have 2 crafts ready:
The Recipient(The one that the Refueller is going to fuel)
The fueller(The one to fuel the recipient)
Make sure also that the fueller has a fueling probe to connect to the recipients Right tank fuel insert, then start the exchange!
And btw, The procedure is very hard so the right tanks insert is probably cosmetic.

please upvote,I put a lot of effort into this aircraft and to make sure people with potato phones can run my crafts :)


  • Predecessor: Janmi TAF-30 Interceptor
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $3,228k
  • Number of Parts: 220
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 7 m x 14 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 1kN
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 9,020kg
  • Dry Mass: 6,405kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 0m/s 0N 0s 9,020kg


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    Attention: The new craft being posted will be done a few hours later, I found some problems and need to fix them.

    Pinned 7 days ago
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    @ExplorationAerospace Yes, sometimes the carrier plane will dive to the ground while flying the recon plane, I couldn't get it to stabilise with vizzy because I'm a vanilla player.

    Pinned 10 days ago
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    One question, how do you make actually good vanilla landing gear?

    7 days ago
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    @Spaceman2004 I’m leaving rn

    9 days ago
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    @ExplorationAerospace Hey dude! I just got back from school and is almost ready for a new craft, I'll prepare the lore soon just like in the desc of this craft. Stay tuned!

    9 days ago
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    @Spaceman2004 I’ll try, but first I really need to finish these two craft for a project in school
    I’ll send a link when I’m done (with the school thing)

    9 days ago
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    @ExplorationAerospace By the way, Can you fix my latest craft? It's the one with the orange helicopter.

    10 days ago
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    @Spaceman2004 thanks, I’m vanilla too

    10 days ago
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    @ExplorationAerospace I have upvoted your new craft, I saw some things that need some tweaks but overall it is great.

    10 days ago
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    Awesome build, could you check out mine?
    Also, will the carrier plane crash if you fly the recon drone?
    I would upvote but I need literally 15 more points help :(

    +1 10 days ago
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    @Samps0n It is the Controllable Missile Drone that is mentioned in the description. By the way, please upvote this craft. It is not required but shows support to the effort I put into this craft. Thank you.

    11 days ago
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    What is the craft in photo #2? There's no cockpit or nothing

    11 days ago


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