Auto Credit Based on TerraSpaceYT's STELLARIS VII | Big project

the Aurua probe was supposed to visit neptune, and scan the various clouds and tempreture of the planet, stellaris VII lifted off pad 39a without issue, along with successful fairing sep and stage sep, aurua completed a gravity assist around the moon, before completing a 7 min long burn to place aurua on a path to neptune, all was fine until 6 mins into the burn, where it was discovered the upper stage was consuming more fuel than it was supposed to, aurua had a failed burn at just 45 seconds before the burn was supposed to end, leaving aurua stranded and too far away from neptune to function properly, so the mission was marked as a failure and teams in mission control left

in an investigation, it was discovered that the probe had little to no control neither was enough fuel loaded onto the upperstage to complete the burn


  • Predecessor: STELLARIS VII | Big project
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $715,508k
  • Number of Parts: 416
  • Dimensions: 68 m x 14 m x 14 m


  • Total Delta V: 190.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 22.4MN
  • Engines: 5
  • Wet Mass: 5.47E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.45E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 85.0km/s 14.1MN 5.8m 5.39E+5kg
5 1 103.5km/s 5.3MN 8.2m 2.73E+5kg
6 1 1.6km/s 3.0MN 4s 10,408kg
8 0 0m/s 0N 0s 10,408kg



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