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2,962 fvoidx
How to use:
Copy it's program into your four wheeler,
Set the part's name which you past the program into as cc
Set left front wheel's turning input to cc.FlightProgram.Lfturning
Set left front wheel's motor input to cc.FlightProgram.Lfspeed
Set right front wheel's turning input to cc.FlightProgram.Rfturning
Set right front wheel's motor input to cc.FlightProgram.Rfspeed
Set left rear wheel's motor input to cc.FlightProgram.Lrspeed
Set right rear wheel's input to cc.FlightProgram.RrspeedIn program,set wheeltrack to impairment of x between your two front or rear wheels,then set wheelbase to impairment of z between your front wheel and rear wheel, then set turning_angle to turning angle of your vehicle's front wheel's turning angle.
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It should be a simulation of ackerman angle and differential mechanism……well,if it actually works.