Auto Credit Based on Spacecat2000's Socrates Lunar Rover and landing platform

Atmospheric drop pod allowing one to land a Socrates rover on Droo, Taurus, Sergeaa or Nebra. (Well, Nebra having so much oceanic surface, that one's risky)
The landing program does not take atmospheric drag into account so, aiming the deorbit is on you.

To use: deorbit, stage the engines away, go retrograde to survive reentry (roll 180 deg if some panels heat up too much) and open the parachute when below a kilometer AGL. Then use AG2 to open the pod and release the rover.
Fun fact: Air pressure on Sergeaa is so intense that the pod can survive without using a parachute... maybe...



  • Total Delta V: 476m/s
  • Total Thrust: 11kN
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 2,103kg
  • Dry Mass: 1,766kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 476m/s 11kN 80s 2,103kg

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