The Valkyrie Chariot is a 6-seat air taxi eVTOL style vehicle, it uses 8 propellers to provide both lift and movement, The vehicle has a maximum altitude of around 8km and unfortunately a limited range of somewhere between 30 and 50 km due to a combination of a low battery capacity and gyroscope stabilisation use.
In the event the vehicle runs out of battery mid-flight the vehicle has 2 emergency parachutes that can slow the vehicle down enough for a survivable landing.
(The command disc is in the rocket configuration so lock the autopilot up so the vehicle can attempt to stabilise itself during flight.)
(use activation groups 1-4 to activate all propellers and limit the throttle to between 60 and 70% during low altitude flight so the vehicle doesn't lose control due to an excessive TWR, use activation group 5 for the emergency parachutes, and 8 for the landing gear, slider 1 controls the direction of the propellers, and slider 2 controls the propeller blade pitch)