this is a full inline track system, now you might ask "is it over complicated and hard to control?" and the answer is NO! just nice easy controls, W is foward, S is back, D is right, A is left. its that easy, no need to slow down or anything, i would suggest having physics sim to the max though. well lets say you know you dont want the body, just take the suspension and motor set off, its all connected to its own piece, plop it on a new body, but dont forget to take the tracks aswell.
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1,292 Kepler452B
@Edwards hey, weird question but do you have discord? i wanted to talk to you about making a track system and such.
130 AllAmericanB17
I'm on phone prefer like 1100 parts 1200 max sorry for being as late as my dad is being he still hasn't gotten the milk
6,659 Edwards
@Kepler452B i see, tracks really get it ou of ya fast, a pain in the back to do, keep up the good work, lad
1,292 Kepler452B
@Edwards once i try making I new one I will prob look back at what you're telling me, but for now, thank you for your tips. i havent been in the mood to make a new one the last one kinda killed me lmao
6,659 Edwards
@Kepler452B getting the teeth smoother may get really upsetting, to keep the track on without the teeth, you just need to put some guiding teeth on the track itself, i made a panzer 4 that works on that principle, by having proper tention on the tracks, you can have your tank neutral steer and all those sorts of stuff, another thing you should do is keep the drive sprocket and idler higher up, so your rover can climb over stuff easier, i have to admit i am really impressed with your craft, and i genuinelly feel like it has a lot of potential
1,292 Kepler452B
@Edwards with the piston thing. that was my first version of this, I designed this one as a shits and giggle project and uploaded it. with the gear thing, I have had problems without teeth on it and it was an easy fix, if anything im going to improve the teeth further to make it smoother, it helps keeps the tracks inline which is the biggest reason i have them. and i mean i get a good performance i will do that if i make another just incase i decide to upload it but i havent suffered almost at all from it lol.
6,659 Edwards
you can also use the tinker pannel to remove drag calculations from the track parts, it makes the game suffer less when rendering the tracks
6,659 Edwards
ey, i've been doing working tracks in sr2 for a while now, and i wanna give you some hints: the fuel tank hitboxes are hexagonal, you don't need to put gear teeth in the drive sprockets, it makes the track roll smoother, and also, you need to put some tention in it, attatch the 2 rear wheels to a piston and move extend/retract it untill you find the area where the track works best, i really liked your craft, by the way, glad to see i am not the only one making these anymore
1,292 Kepler452B
@YeOldePub so pfffff, may i ask how good your computer is? because idk if my pc can do it lol
130 AllAmericanB17
Well I like it's so I was trying to make it like a moving small house if you can your choice
1,292 Kepler452B
@YeOldePub i can, but the reason i made it small was performance, if you want a bigger verson i got you how big do you want?
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@Kepler452B n o, i will send it to luna with no support for the treads
1,292 Kepler452B
@NebulaSpaceAgency i mean if you can get this to the moon, sure. and if your going to, i would suggest locking the treds until you get there
@Kepler452B I honestly don't because he's the one who left in the first place