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Auto Credit Based on pickANameQmhn's Seamless edge not functioning after symmetry

This would not happen when the command pod of the part is changed after symmetry but the change of command pod will not be copied to the corresponding symmetried part.
Way to reproduce the bug: connect a part to another part in the way that the part can be symmetried, then connect a command pod to the part which can be symmetried, then change to command pod of that part to that command pod, then symmetry that part, finally when you click the “change command pod” button of that part (or the corresponding symmetried part), it works as the “view command pod” button, and the command pod of all of the corresponding symmetried part are the same as the part being symmetried (the original one), which means that the “change command pod” (or the “view command pod”) button of all of them show the same command pod.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Droo 56 6,514kg 113 km 3.41 km/s
New Droo 3 1,894kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 124 55,305kg 120 km 3.39 km/s
New-7 Droo 3 27,328kg 141 km 3.35 km/s
New-21 Droo 3 2,416kg 123 km 3.37 km/s
New-26 Droo 3 2,266kg 119 km 3.38 km/s
New-27 Droo 3 2,056kg 117 km 3.39 km/s
New Droo 234 42,210kg 120 km 3.38 km/s
New Luna 12 1,738kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Trainer Droo 39 9,239kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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