Auto Credit Based on HorizonsTechnologies's Crewed Booster drop testing (No.1)

This sanbox features my starship replica, which is not completed, that is entering droo’s armosphere. As you enter, make sure the tiles face the atmosphere and do the belly flop once you get close enough.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Star Finder crew rocket-101 Droo 14 4,676kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Falcon 9 with automated Orbit and Booster Landing Droo 5 17,428kg 164 km 3.39 km/s
Falcon 9 with automated Orbit and Booster Landing-104 Droo 219 2,155kg 264 km 3.17 km/s
Mini Sea Dragon Luna 11 2,276kg 18 km 734.0 m/s
Mini Sea Dragon-107 Juno 81 15,671kg 14,900.5 Mm 19.00 km/s
ILV National Team Luna 35 6,779kg 34 km 728.0 m/s
ILV National Team-110 Luna 94 14,968kg Ground 0.0 m/s
ILV National Team Luna 34 15,687kg 28 km 726.0 m/s
Misael Gould Luna 1 100kg 37 km 714.0 m/s
The Apollo Saturn V Luna 1222 0kg 27 km 725.0 m/s
The Apollo Saturn V Droo 372 31,966kg 34,786 km 435.0 m/s
The Apollo Saturn V-124 Droo 352 3.41E+5kg 111 km 3.37 km/s
The Apollo Saturn V-125 Droo 137 76,575kg 34,498 km 425.0 m/s
The Apollo Saturn V-126 Droo 7 222kg 34,953 km 440.0 m/s
ISV Venture Star Cylero 1581 0kg 102 km 2.03 km/s
Starship-134 Droo 1 40kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Starship-135 Droo 8 16,745kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Starship-140 Droo 2 90kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Starship Droo 81 1.6E+5kg 61 km 2.69 km/s


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