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Auto Credit Based on Jackhawk9000's Completed contract disapears after quick load

I had this issue in the Unity Editor when starting in the flight scene. From there I just switched to the map view and an exception was logged:

StartNu (2.83465379563165) cannot be greater than the endNu (2.83352958028398)...



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
J-Multi-UseXL Luna 13 2,640kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Program Alpha-Explorer-Manned Nebra 14 3,273kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Sally R. Nebra 1 116kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Program Alpha-Explorer-Manned-460 Juno 3 5,995kg 21,721.1 Mm 2.53 km/s
Program Alpha-XL-Multisat Luna 13 12,754kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Program Alpha-XL-Multisat-467 Droo 3 5,997kg 30,088 km 445.0 m/s
New Juno 4 1,929kg 14,380.1 Mm 2.90 km/s
New Droo 4 1,929kg 396.8 Mm 1.66 km/s

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