I use on mobile this system (https://www.simplerockets.com/PlanetarySystems/View/8W7RiI/Solar-System-1-4) and this craft (https://www.simplerockets.com/c/9SjWGx/Grypas-Deep-Space-Explorer).
1) I start from saved location as orbit around Earth with 0.0 degress inclination and 600km circular orbit
2) I set Mars as target (inclination 1.85 degrees)
3) I pause the game and set burn node on ascending node with normal inclination of 1.85 degrees
4) I warp to burning node and perform manouver maintaining circular orbit of 600km
But my inclination with Mars remains the same and does not change. The same happens if I repeat above steps 1-2 and perform anti-normal burn on ascending node and also when I repeat steps 1 and 2 but then select descending nodes with either normal or ant-normal burn.
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 1.0.909.1
- Planetary System: Solar System [1.4]
- Planets: 47
- Game Time: 3.0 days
Name | Location | Part Count | Mass | Altitude | Velocity |
00 Grypas | Earth | 132 | 32,412kg | 600 km | 7.56 km/s |