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Auto Credit Based on Gregrox's Music becomes buggy during timewarp

When clicking and dragging on space to rotate the camera, the input is flipped around when you are high above Droo, compared to when you're in low orbit.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Craft-16 Droo 2 0kg 148 km 3.34 km/s
Craft-18 Droo 1 0kg 272 km 3.80 km/s
Goliolithicc-1 Droo 36 21,495kg 6,142 km 1.87 km/s
Craft-23 Droo 20 0kg 665 km 2.99 km/s
Craft-24 Droo 4 0kg 5,003 km 1.67 km/s

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