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Hey first!
So whenever I get into a near vertical orbit I end up getting that. So first get into orbit. And then it doesnt really matter what craft you use but it seems to happen most often when it is being controlled by vizzy. Then do a boost back or something to virtually eliminate your lateral velocity. It seems to only happen after gakng excess of 1000 m/s of lateral velocity.


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.616.1
  • Planetary System: Juno System
  • Planets: 20
  • Game Time: 744.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Moon Rocket (Return) Cylero 23 6.43E+5kg 233 km 1.88 km/s
Moon Rocket (Return)-36 Juno 80 3.25E+6kg 16,161.2 Mm 17.81 km/s
New Airplane-39 Droo 1 56kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Airplane-40 Droo 1 46kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Airplane-41 Droo 10 3,195kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Airplane-38-42 Droo 2 136kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 3 1,182kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-44 Juno 4 6,624kg 15,597.7 Mm 18.36 km/s
New-45 Juno 3 4,020kg 34,010.3 Mm 12.80 km/s
New Airplane Space Droo 45 6,561kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Quantum Drive Test 2 Luna 187 42,325kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 1 20kg 200 km 3.28 km/s
Quantum Drive Test 2 Brigo 187 42,309kg 14 km 315.0 m/s

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